Deep fryers are designed to prepare multiple types of food items at the same time. If they happen to experience some problems, it could prove damaging for the business. Your service may be halted for a while as a commercial appliances repair service fixes it. Therefore, we have compiled a list of some of the most common problems surrounding commercial deep fryers and how you can fix them. Let’s begin!
Poor Power Cord Connection
The first thing you need to check in case your commercial deep fryer keeps shutting off is the power cords that connect to the appliance magnetically. If the unit has been pushed or moved around a little, it can become disconnected. However, if that is not the case, you might be dealing with a faulty power cord.
And while you are trying to find out the culprit, you should check the power source as well. It might be that the switch is not receiving power. In that case, you will need to check if the circuit breaker is tripped or a fuse is blown.
Control Assembly Issue
The control assembly is like the brain of your commercial deep fryer. If for some reason, it gives up, you are most probably looking at a replacement since control assembly issues do not last long once repaired. If you were wondering what could cause a control assembly issue, there could be several reasons for it.
It might be that moisture or some liquid has leaked into the assembly causing a spark. It might also be that the unit is overheating, which caused the control assembly to blow up. Without the control issue, your appliance will simply not work.
Make sure that you hire a professional to rectify this issue, as control assemblies are not cheap. You need to install the manufacturer-recommended unit for the commercial deep fryer to work perfectly.
Faulty Parts
Even though commercial deep fryers rarely come up with faulty parts if well-maintained, if you have an older unit, you can expect some parts to give up once their lifespan is nearing their end. The older the unit, the more the chances of the parts malfunctioning.
However, sometimes, there could also be a manufacturing fault. In this case, the customer can easily get the unit repaired for free under warranty. Then again, it needs to be made sure that the manufacturer replaces the faulty part with a new one and not used.
Poor Maintenance
The majority of business owners ignore basic maintenance of their kitchen appliances let alone commercial deep fryers. The fact is that maintenance goes a long way when it comes to extending the lifespan of the appliance. If not looked after, do not be surprised if your commercial deep fryer begins developing problems.
Most customers neglect basic cleaning and maintenance and then blame the manufacturer for the fault. However, determining how a unit has been looked after during its lifetime is pretty easy. For instance, bad oil can easily run the components inside. Washing the interior of deep fryers is as necessary as replacing the oil.
You do not need to deep clean it everyday but at least twice a week. The dirt, grease, and grime accumulation have a lot to do with the overall lifespan of the commercial deep fryer.
High-Temperature Limit Switch
Many deep fryers come with a high limit switch that is basically a type of safety feature. Its job is to turn off the deep fryer once the temperature of the oil reaches the extreme. Deep fryer overheating is a common problem amongst businesses where employees forget to tend to the machine as they are busy carrying out other tasks.
To fix this issue, you might need to reset your deep fryer. However, if it doesn’t seem to work, you will need a replacement.
How Can I Avoid All Commercial Deep Fryer Problems?
In most cases, a business can easily prevent commercial deep fryer problems by ensuring that its employees look after the unit. The oil should be replaced on time and the fryer should be thoroughly cleaned at least once a week.
If it isn’t possible for the employees, you should hire a professional who will thoroughly inspect the unit and detect any potential problems beforehand. This ensures that your business does not suffer from a huge loss if the deep fryer decides to give up on a busy day.
Final Word
When it comes to maintaining your commercial deep fryer, you should follow the user’s manual. If the issue is complicated, it is better that you hire a deep fryer repair Alexandria service. It might cost a little but will ensure that your unit runs effortlessly for years to come.