Keeping straight hair can be a struggle. Your straight hair can turn wavy or curly eventually. You can choose Brazilian keratin straightening to keep your hair straight, but before it, here are the reasons why your hair is turning curly.
One of the many reasons why your straight hair can turn into a curly and wavy mess is because of frizz. Frizz can happen due to a lot of reasons. Constant use of heat on the hair, not oiling and moisturizing your hair regularly, and friction in your hair can be some of the many reasons. Frizz can also occur right after you straighten your hair. This can make your hair look static, messy, and very dry.
The best way to deal with frizz is to invest in products that have smoothing and moisturizing properties in them. Regular oil massages can also help with frizz and you will see a notable difference in the texture and look of your hair. Your hair will be more shiny, smooth, and silky with zero dryness and frizz.
If you are having a tiring time at work, then this can show on your hair as well. Your hair is a direct reflection of how stressed you are. Stress can lead to the hair feeling dry and damaged. Your hair will also break a lot and it will be very weak. You will see a significant difference in your hair health when you are stressed out over something.
You will not give your hair nutrition; it will be neglected and damaged because of your stressful situation and you might not find the time for self-care. It’s very important that you don’t let stress take over your body and ruin your perfectly healthy hair.
Hormonal Changes
Hormones play a very important role in bodily changes. Puberty and menopause are the two prime times when your body goes through a lot of changes, hair included. If you have naturally straight hair and there are some hormonal changes in your body, whether that be menopause or consumption of oral contraceptive pills, your hair texture will change.
It can go from silky, smooth hair to a curly mass in a small amount of time. There is nothing you can do about it other than maintaining your hair health as hormones can’t be altered that easily.
Genetics plays a huge role in changing your hair’s look and texture. The best example is a baby. When they are born and growing, they have beautiful and thick curly hair and you feel as though they will remain curly forever, but as they grow up, the hair changes and becomes either straight or less curly. This is a normal process and genetics is behind all of this. If your family has a history of having curly hair, then you might also end up with curly hair in the end, no matter how straight your mane is.
Change Of Climate
A non-biological factor that can lead to changes in your hair can be the climate. If you are used to living in a well-balanced climate, with not much dryness and humidity, then your hair will be fine, but as soon as you move to a different place where the moisture content is low and there is a lot of salinity in the air, then you might feel like your hair is getting frizzy and curly all of a sudden. This has to do with the weather change and change in the atmosphere you are living in currently.
Diet Modifications
Last but not least, the right diet will make all of the difference to your hair health. If you have a bad diet and you are constantly eating out, then this will show on your hair. Your hair will be more dry, damaged, and a frizzy and curly mess.
If you want your hair to remain healthy and straight, then incorporating healthy and balanced foods into your diet will help you a lot. You will see a noticeable difference in your hair texture and it will be more smooth, straight, and free of dryness and frizz.
There you have it! These are the most probable causes why your hair might be turning curly from straight. Head to a permanent hair straightening salon Rockville to have straight hair that lasts for months.