If you are someone who is suffering from a lot of hair loss and your self-confidence is getting affected by this, then you will normally go towards the route of hair transplant. But wait! There is another way to get thick and fuller hair, without using a scalpel. It is NeoGraft hair transplants. Keep on reading to find out.
What Is NeoGraft Hair Transplant?
NeoGraft hair transplant/surgery is a procedure which enhances your hairline and brings back density and fullness to your hair, without the huge protocol of traditional hair transplant. The best thing about NeoGraft hair transplant procedure is that the surgeon doesn’t require the use of a scalpel to perform this procedure. NeoGraft hair transplant method is done by follicular unit extraction and it is one of the most popular and successful hair restoration techniques in the world, as of today.
What Are the Benefits of NeoGraft Hair Transplants?
Here are some common benefits of NeoGraft hair transplant method:
There Is No Scalpel Required
One great thing about NeoGraft hair transplant method is that surgeons don’t need a scalpel, to make an incision or scar on your head. There are three steps involved in NeoGraft hair surgery, namely, extraction, transplantation and healing.
The extraction procedure is done by sucking or extracting individual hair follicles from the head by vacuum pressure, so you don’t end up with scars or stitches, which is a great thing if you intend to keep it a secret from your peers.
The next step is transplantation. In this step, the extracted hair is inserted into the bald spots of your head with a small and thin wand, which doesn’t cause any scarring or damage to the head, which in turn prevents stitches as well.
Once the hair is placed in your bald spot, it is left to heal, while the surgeon moves on to the other spots of your head.
Less Scary Than Traditional Hair Transplantation
Because of vacuum pressure and using a small needle-like wand to insert hair in your bald spots, you are very less liable to get noticeable scarring on your head. You don’t need stitches either, if you go about the route of NeoGraft hair surgery.
Unlike traditional hair transplant which is very noticeable and invasive, NeoGraft hair transplant method doesn’t give you any scars and the result is shockingly natural. This procedure is amazing for people who don’t like the idea of getting stitches on their heads
The Result Is More Natural
Traditional hair transplants can be very noticeable, because of a huge linear scar on the person’s head, but it is inevitable for the person who chooses this route, because that is how hair transplants are done.
NeoGraft surgery, on the other hand, gives a very natural result. The hairline looks very natural but with no bald spots, and there is no scarring or stitching, which makes this process even more popular among the people, who don’t want to be known for getting a hair transplant done to themselves.
So, if you want a secret way to get fuller and thicker hair, then NeoGraft hair surgery is the way to go.
Is NeoGraft Hair Surgery Worth It?
This is a burning question, and everybody needs an answer to it. NeoGraft hair surgery is amazing if you want to get a more natural and effortless result. It is less invasive than typical hair transplants and the healing time is very quick too. Another pro for NeoGraft hair surgery is that it is mostly a one-time procedure and you don’t need to visit doctor’s clinic again for touch ups or check ups.
The only downside to NeoGraft hair transplantation method is its cost. It is the most expensive hair restoring technique in the world. People who can’t afford NeoGraft hair surgery are left with no choice, but to go about the route of traditional hair transplant. NeoGraft hair surgery is a great option if you can afford it, otherwise there are no such cons of this hair restoration method.
All in all, NeoGraft hair transplant surgery is a great procedure to get done if you are sick and tired of constant hair loss or baldness.