HVAC systems can work consistently for many years before requiring any big repair. So, many homeowners are tempted to skip the proper maintenance and instead they start waiting for the HVAC system to show any error. But furnace and heat pump repairs can be costly, so, here are some reasons why you shouldn’t ignore regular maintenance of your HVAC.
Expensive Repairs
HVAC isn’t the cheapest thing to get installed in your home. So, if you end up ignoring some important maintenance sessions, the system might get blocked and cause additional damage to your furnace or other such vital parts.
For example, if you fail to clean the air filter off its accumulated dust, it might get clogged and can literally cause the whole HVAC system to break down. Also, the compressor might fail if you don’t replenish the refrigerant in the system on time. All of these things might look like small problems at first, but they can definitely grow to become significantly larger and would later cost a fortune to repair. Any type of water leakage can cause flooding, and consequently, cause the development of molds inside the HVAC system. So, we can conclude here that avoiding the smaller problems right when they appear can save you from more expensive ones later on.
Remember that any type of error in the HVAC system can cause it to struggle. And this can increase energy consumption greatly. So, if you don’t follow maintenance schedule, you’ll be paying higher energy bills until you get the issue fixed.
Safety Issues
The HVAC related problems can definitely cost you a fortune to correct if they do add up, but this isn’t the only problem that you’ll have to encounter. You might also start facing some safety issues if you end up ignoring the maintenance of your HVAC system. If the refrigerant starts leaking from somewhere, the refrigerant level inside the HVAC system can go low and the leaking refrigerant can become a safety hazard for your family members. Additionally, any issues with the wiring of your HVAC system can pose a threat of fire in your property. Carbon monoxide (a poisonous gas) might start leaking if there is any problem with the furnace. So, always maintain your HVAC in a proper way to avoid such safety hazards.
Decreased Efficiency
Giving proper maintenance to your HVAC system can help you get more efficiency out of it for a longer time period. On the other hand, ignoring the important maintenance routine of your HVAC system might cause the efficiency of the system to drop. For example, when the air filter of your HVAC system is really dirty, it not only causes the system to struggle but also decreases its overall efficiency. When the HVAC isn’t providing you with enough heat due to an internal error, you might end up using a higher temperature setting on the thermostat, which also would cause the HVAC system to start using a lot more energy. So, you need to have your HVAC system and thermostat in such situations to help improve the efficiency of the whole system.
Reduced Lifespan
Just like a car can’t survive for much longer without proper maintenance checkups, the HVAC system also requires you to properly maintain it to get the best lifespan out of it.
On the other hand, if you never give your HVAC system the proper maintenance it needs, you’ll fail to even get an average lifespan out of it. So, try your best to properly maintain it in order to get the most out of your investment in the HVAC system.
Mold Growth
Cooling and heating units of your HVAC systems both need to be checked properly on a regular basis. You can even hire an expert to thoroughly inspect your HVAC system and make sure that there’s no mold growth inside the system. Mold should be avoided at all costs as it can contaminate the air and cause serious trouble for a patient of asthma or other respiratory diseases living inside your house. Mold can be caused by several factors, so, make sure through inspection that there’s no mold accumulating inside your HVAC system. This is the best way of properly maintaining the system in the long term. Hire HVAC companies Falls Church for a thorough inspection and repairs if needed.